How APP is toying with extinction

07/07/2011 11:12

A new investigative report from Greenpeace, 'How APP is toying with extinction', shows how major brands like Mattel, Disney and others are fuelling climate change and pushing Sumatran tigers and orang-utans towards the brink of extinction.

The Indonesian government identifies the palm oil and pulp & paper sectors as the two chief industrial drivers of rainforest destruction. The largest player in both these sectors in Indonesia is the Sinar Mas Group.

These two divisions within the Sinar Mas Group (SMG) are taking opposing approaches to deforestation emissions. For example, with regard to carbon-rich peatlands, the palm oil division (GAR) will protect all peatland regardless of depth, whereas the pulp and paper division (APP) is actively targeting peatlands for current and future supplies of rainforest timber.

  • APP continues to rely on clearing rainforest, which is theoretically off limits to development under Indonesian law. Current company statements show it intends to continue forest clearance until 2015.
  • A growing number of corporate consumers are seeking to protect their brands by avoiding trade links with companies involved in deforestation. Global corporations including Staples, Kraft and Nestlé have stopped purchases from APP


Toying with forest destruction from Greenpeace on Vimeo.