Welcome to our website

Young people today are more aware of the environment than ever before. This is the first green generation.

And there are so many different green issues. There's the greenhouse effect, acid rain, air pollution, nuclear waste, habitat destruction.... the list seems to go on forever.

21st century students are also digital learners who read books on ipods, text, spend hours on the internet, use email, blog and, therefore, demand more from us, educators, in terms of technology and knowledge information, than we have ever been asked to deliver before.

It's our duty to engage this "Google Generation" (Rosenberg, 2007) teaching them to think, create and analyze. 



  “Our emotions change the way we think, and serve as constant guides to appropriate behavior, steering us away from the bad, guiding us towards the good”

 Don Norman


Orangutan asks girl for help in sign language

27/03/2015 23:04

Can you help save orangutans?

27/03/2015 22:59
Indonesia’s beautiful rainforests - home to orang-utans, elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses - are being torn up to make cheap...

Protect the Vaquita

14/12/2014 16:03
The vaquita is a rare porpoise that lives only in the Gulf of California in Mexico. They're shy and rarely seen - except...

Help save Sea Turtles

06/04/2013 10:33
Help save sea turtles and contribute to the conservation of marine biodiversity  

Hours left to save the Amazon!

26/05/2012 15:44
Hours left to save the Amazon! Brazil's Congress just signed the Amazon’s death sentence, giving loggers freedom to clearcut...
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